5 quick questions for Allan

[Translate to English:] Foto: Lars Kruse

1. The last time my blood pressure went through the roof was because: (long pause …) I’m a relatively calm man, but poor news coverage can get me wound up. Oh yes, and when Liverpool lost to Manchester City in December. That was really undeserved!

2. I always wear a shirt and braces because: It’s nice to wear a shirt, it’s a bit like a uniform, so when I get home I can lose the shirt and hop into a T-shirt and sweatpants and I’m off work. The braces are probably on the way out, but they have had the same kind of function. Students don’t have much money, so it’s practical to have a wardrobe where everything matches.

3. I’m studying business administration/European studies because: I started on philosophy, but dropped out when I came to realise that philosophy was more of a leisure pursuit for me rather than an academic interest. I wanted to work with management and people instead. So after a year off, when I worked at a factory in Vejle, I started on business administration, with European studies as my supplementary subject because I’ve always been interested in European politics.

4. Very few people know that I: Have seen all episodes of “Sex and the City”. And no, not because I like to see the shoes or clothes. I generally like the stuff that HBO (the production company behind the series, ed.) produces. The series is well written with a good dialogue, and its characters develop along the way. And I also think it’s funny that the male characters in the series are stereotypes. It’s usually the female characters that are presented as stereotypes in series.

5. My favourite app is: DR’s radio app. I am a loyal P1 listener.

Translated by Peter Lambourne