Chairman of the Board Brian Bech Nielsen: AUFF will contribute financially to the clean-up of Groyne 42

Rector Brian Bech Nielsen, who is also Chairman of the Board of the Aarhus University Research Foundation, delivered a real surprise at the extraordinary general meeting of Auriga Industries A/S, at which the sale of the subsidiary Cheminova A/S was the only item on the agenda.

[Translate to English:] Fotos: Anders Trærup

"A number of suggestions have been presented regarding the possible uses of some of the proceeds from the sale of Cheminova A/S, and several speakers have expressed a desire to carry out a clean-up of the area around Groyne 42," was how Brian Bech Nielsen began his speech at the extraordinary general meeting in Auriga Industries at Harboøre Tange on 7 October.

He then delivered the biggest surprise of the general meeting when he continued by saying:

"That is an idea we have paid special attention to in the research foundation. Not because Auriga is obliged to do it. The depositing of chemical waste at Groyne 42 took place in the 1950s and 1960s with government permission and they also deposited chemical waste at the site. Auriga A/S is therefore not legally responsible for the contamination. That has been finally made clear by the courts as late as in 1987."

"A clean-up of Groyne 42 today will have to be carried out by the Central Denmark Region, but as the region has previously stated, it is not plausible for them to carry out such a task alone – at least not within the foreseeable future."

"On the basis of this the research foundation has discussed the issue of cleaning-up Groyne 42 with the Central Denmark Region. The region has made it clear that if this was the case, it would be prepared to enter into a possible partnership to finance a clean-up of Groyne 42."

"The research foundation will therefore in the coming period consider the possibilities that may be available for ensuring this."

In an interview with the local newspaper Folkebladet Lemvig following the general meeting, Brian Bech Nielsen said that he could not precisely say how AUFF will cooperate with the Central Denmark Region:

"Our charter heavily limits what we can do. The foundation must safeguard the interests of research. However, we have already discussed the subject on the foundation's board. And when we are ready, we will present a proposal for how we can provide support."

Translated by Peter Lambourne