Omnibus prik

Insanely good – and an almost secret place to study

As a student, you might spend a lot of time wandering around campus looking for a nice, quiet spot to study. Here’s a tip: check out Museum Ovartaci on Katrinebjergvej.

[Translate to English:] Kunstneren Louis Marcussen, der var kendt som Ovartaci, var indlagt på Psykiatrisk Hospital i Risskov gennem 56 år fra 1929 til sin død i 1985. Museet er opkaldt efter ham, og skriver om ham på sin hjemmeside: "Ovartaci er et ikon for den marginaliseredes ret til at bidrage til verden på egne præmisser."

Translation: Lenore Messick.

At the museum, you can explore Ovartaci’s visual universe and learn about the history of psychiatry in Denmark. And you can also find a quiet spot to get some reading done. Students are more than welcome here – in fact, the bright conservatory with its comfortable wicker furniture has WIFI just to make life easier for you.


The café is also student-friendly, with comfort food at reasonable prices (40-50 kroner). 

As a student, you don’t need to buy a ticket to the museum if you’re just looking for a place to study close to campus. You can just go down a side staircase near the main entrance that leads directly to the reading room and the cafe.


Of course, you’re also encouraged to buy a ticket to the exhibit, which explores the development of psychiatric treatment of the mentally ill in Denmark from 1852 to the current day.