THEME: Photo gallery of refugee centre in Athens

See AU student Tanja Valentin Francis Burke’s private photos from Athens, where she spent two weeks taking part in voluntary work to help the many refugees arriving in the city every day.

[Translate to English:] "Det var en meget følelsesmæssig afsked med en dejlig afghansk familie, som boede i huset i tre dage."


"This is a photo of the beds in a random room in the house, which is to
say a room for a family of refugees. We just slept on a sleeping mat in
a room."

"Here I’m standing with two Syrian sisters who are escaping with their
father. The youngest girl was violently sick several days in a row and also
suffers from some kind of physical disability, which makes their journey
particularly difficult."

"This is the youngest girl from photo number two.
The children spend a lot of time drawing the first few
days that we’re in the house, and we use this to
communicate with them. Here the girl has drawn a photo
of me."

"This was the largest kitchen in the building. All the equipment was
donated by local residents, and large meals were often donated by
charitable organisations in the area."

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Photos: Tanja Valentin Francis Burke

Translated by Peter Lambourne