1 December: "I can't wait to see Tivoli with all the Christmas lights"
Taylor Azizeh is an international student from USA and studies arctic ecosystems and marine mammals at the Arctic Research Center, Department of Bioscience.

The Omnibus Advent Calendar:
The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.
Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.
All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries, and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.
How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?
I am celebrating Christmas this year in Copenhagen with some other international students that aren't going home for the holidays. I can't wait to see Tivoli with all the Christmas lights.
What is the best / worst Christmas tradition from your home country?
My favorite Christmas tradition we had in my family when I was a kid was opening one present early on Christmas Eve, and watching the movie The Christmas Story, before going to sleep.
The worst tradition in the United States is going shopping for Christmas on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) at 4:30am so you can get in line to get good bargains!
What do you think is the most annoying thing about Danish Christmas?
The most annoying thing about Danish Christmas is that the Tuborg Julebryg is actually not very good, but I feel like I have to drink it to celebrate.
I do really appreciate that Danes start celebrating Christmas on November 1st though, because it is my favorite holiday, and in the US you have to wait until after Thanksgiving, which is at the end of November.
- Merry Christmas!
Translated by Lenore Messick and Anne Harling Krag
The Omnibus Advent Calendar:
The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.
Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.
All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries, and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.