DKK 129,057 …
… the amount that students and employees at AU succeeded in raising for refugees in Denmark and in the world's hot spots. Two students and two associate professors took the initiative for the appeal. The money raised went to the Danish Refugee Council's nationwide appeal.

Even though the appeal has formally ended, the organisers have not yet finished with the refugee issue. They have an academic event on the current refugee situation in the pipeline, according to Christina Fiig, associate professor in gender and European policy at European Studies at the Department of Culture and Society and one of the four organisers behind the appeal.
"The form and content has not yet been finally determined, but we envision various presentations where researchers present and discuss the current research in the area. We have also received positive input from the Danish Refugee Council’s secretary general Andreas Kamm."
The event will most likely take place next year. (Mga)
Physical WPA: Indoor climate and noise bothers employees
In the middle of September, AU employees received a questionnaire as part of the Physical Workplace Assessment 2015. A total of 4,888 employees took the time to fill out the questionnaire, which gave a response rate of 61 per cent.
The majority of employees who replied to the workplace assessment do not experience problems with the physical work environment. The physical conditions – especially indoor climate, but also noise, layout of the workplace, lighting and vibrations – are the factors which gives rise to the majority of problems. A total of 21 per cent have replied that they experience problems with physical conditions in the workplace.
Ramboll carried out the Physical Workplace Assessment 2015. Work on action plans began in October and the workplace assessment will be evaluated in 2016. (Mga)
Experience problems | Do not experience problems | |
Physical conditions | 21% | 79% |
Ergonomic conditions | 9% | 91% |
Chemical conditions | 2% | 98% |
Biological conditions | 1% | 99% |
Risk of accidents | 4% | 96% |
Absence due to sickness | 4% | 96% |
See the complete workplace assessment report at Search for “Physical Workplace Assessment 2015”.