Omnibus prik

God is just a phenomenon - but lunch is free

[Translate to English:] Sex, myter og håb er nogle af emnerne på dagsordenen, når Kristeligt Forbund for Studerende i marts holder forskellige arrangementer med oplæg til diskussion rundt omkring på universitetet. Illustration: Challenge

During March, students from the student association Christian Union for Students will be putting Christianity on the agenda at different degree programmes around Aarhus with their Challenge event.

The Christian students tell us that they would like to challenge - and also be challenged on - questions of faith, doubt and scepticism at a number of lunch and evening events in the period between 9 and 11 March.

One of the events is titled Lunch Bars and will provide the opportunity for a free lunch, a challenging presentation on Christianity, and a subsequent debate. Topics and locations for the Lunch Bars will be announced on the Facebook page Challenge.

God is a sociological/psychological phenomenon
The topics have moreover been selected on the basis of a questionnaire in which students were asked to state their objections to Christianity. Among the students who responded, one of the most prominent objections was that: God is a sociological/psychological phenomenon, explains Pernille Petersen, who is one of the organisers.

The students' association will also be behind a nightly event during the week in Stakladen in Aarhus which will feature presentations by DPhil Christian Hofreiter from Oxford University and MA (Theol) Julia Garshagen from the University of Wuppertal and the University of London. 

More information:

Translated by Peter Lambourne