Marine biologist honoured with the Environmental Award 2015

Marine biologist Jakob Strand from the Department of Bioscience in Roskilde has been honoured with the Environmental Award 2015.

[Translate to English:] Marinbiolog Jakob Strand har modtaget Aase og Ejnar Danielsen Fonds Miljøpris 2015 på en kvart million kroner til forskning i miljøpåvirkningerne af mikroplast i det marine miljø. Senest har Jakob Strand været hovedforfatter på en ny rapport fra Nordisk Ministerråd, som har særligt fokus på plastik som marint affald, herunder hvilke forekomster af mikroplast der er konstateret i de nordiske farvande. Foto: Privat

Jakob Strand, who worked for The National Environmental Research Institute prior to the merger with Aarhus University, carries out research into the presence of hazardous substances, with particular focus on microplastics in the marine environment.

Microplastics are small pieces of plastic, which are discharged into the environment from various sources and end in the oceans of the world. During the last decades, researchers have become aware of the particular environmental problem caused by microplastics, because they are easily consumed as food by everything from whales to zooplankton.

However, researchers currently have limited knowledge of the environmental consequences of microplastics in the marine environment. The awarding of the Environmental Award 2015 helps draw attention to the importance of research in this area.

Translated by Peter Lambourne