Omnibus prik

New anti-bullying and harassment policy

Have you been subjected to bullying, sexual harassment, threats of violence or violence during the last 12 months? This was one of the questions in the psychological WPA 2012 and it came as a bombshell for the department management team when a number of employees answered that this was the case for them in their daily work at the Department of Environmental Science.

Six per cent of the employees who answered the questions stated that they had been subjected to bullying. Thee per cent answered that they had been subjected to sexual harassment and threats of violence respectively, while two per cent stated that they had been subjected to violence.

Against this background the management and a number of employee representatives have, together with HR, drawn up a anti-bullying and harassment policy which has been adopted by the local liaison committee. And which has just been implemented in the department.

The new policy contains a brief definition of bullying and harassment. However, as the objective with it is to inspire action in both victims and witnesses, efforts have been focused on a range of concrete directions for how you can react in such situations.

Furthermore, there is a specific description of the procedure in connection with cases of bullying and harassment, where you can find information about what happens in various situations. For example, where a complaint is down to you actually being in doubt about whether you’re a victim of or witness to offensive behaviour. And in situations where a complaint from a victim or witness results in a further investigation.

Read the anti-bullying policy (in Danish only)