New, joint SDD concept ready for use
The aim of AU’s new, joint SDD concept is to ensure that you get the annual discussion with your immediate superior to which you are entitled, and that there is proper follow-up as well.

“One of the reasons why AU is introducing a new, joint SDD concept is that the frequency and quality of our SDDs has varied so far. In some cases they haven’t been held at all,” explains Astrid Viola Hornbech Svendsen, the leader of the project group which has developed the concept in collaboration with staff representatives.
Follow-up is important
A new SDD module in the AUHRA staff administrative system should help to solve the problems. For one thing, the module helps managers to convene the necessary meetings and send reminders to the staff and manager concerned, thereby ensuring that proper follow-up is carried out.
“Follow-up is vital if our SDDs are to have a good effect,” says Svendsen.
When the module was pilot tested by the Department of Chemistry, it still wasn’t quite ready to fly. The experience gained from the test has been used to improve the system, she explains.
“We’ve removed all the unnecessary features and made the system intuitive and simple to use.”
A single, joint concept
The senior management team wanted a single, joint concept which can be used throughout AU, but which can also be adapted to suit individual units.
“We’ve tried to do this by producing different guidelines for technical/administrative staff, academic staff, academic staff with management responsibility and managers respectively. The local liaison committees can also decide whether the overall guidelines should include questions of local relevance only.”
The new SDD concept will be evaluated each year and adjusted if necessary.
For more information about SDDs and the new concept, please go to: