"Ole manages to turn learning into a game"

The Medicine Students’ Council organises an annual internet ballot among the students to find the teacher of the year at Medicine. For the third time, Ole Bækgaard Nielsen took the impressive title and with it a prize of DKK 25,000. Ole’s inspirational teaching in respiration physiology won him the title.

[Translate to English:] Prisen som årets underviser på medicin gik for tredje gang til professor i biomedicin Ole Bækgaard Nielsen (th), der blandt andet formår at formidle respirationsfysiologi på en forståelig måde ved hjælp af balloner og spiralfjedre. Her ses han ved prisoverrækkelsen sammen med dekan på Health Allan Flyvbjerg. Foto: Maria Randima

"He managed to use different aids which helped with the understanding of different topics. Respiration physiology suddenly became much more fun to learn once balloons and a rainbow-coloured spring were introduced," says one of the students.

Ole is proud of the title, but he humbly adds that it could just as well have gone to one of his talented colleagues.

"I am happy that my teaching is one of the right ways to go and that the prize brings the quality of teaching into focus, as this is important for the university."