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2019 university elections: See the results here

As a result of this year’s election, new representatives will take over four of the five seats on the university board that belong to the university’s employees and students. All of the elected employee representatives are first-timers. The only member of the old guard who will retain her seat is student representative Ditte Marie Thomsen, who was elected to the board last year and was not up for reelection this year.

[Translate to English:] Nye repræsentanter for studerende og medarbejdere i AU's bestyrelse efter universitetsvalget. Fra venstre: Peter Balling, professor MSO ved Institut for Fysik og Astronomi, Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, professor ved Institut for Statskundskab, Uffe Pilegård Larsen, driftsleder ved Institut for Agroøkologi, Hanna-Louise Schou Nielsen, statskundskabsstuderende og Ditte Marie Thomsen, der studerer uddannelsesvidenskab og blev valgt til bestyrelsen sidste år. Foto: Lise Balsby, Jonas Ahlstrøm og Ida Marie Jensen

A total of 21,11 of eligible voters participated in this year’s elections, which is the highest voter participation rate in nine years.  

This year, both employees and students could vote for representatives on AU’s board, the highest authority at the university. 

For the first time this year, only one of the two seats held by students representatives was up for election, as a consequence of new election rules.  

The Student Council has both seats on the board – again  

Not surprisingly, that seat went to the Student Council, which now has both seats on the board again. Last year, Conservative Students in an alliance with Free Forum won one seat.  Political science students Hanna-Louise Schou Nielsen, who is also vice-chair of the Student Council, will be joining Ditte Marie Thomsen, also from the Student Council, who was elected last year. Both have been elected to two-year terms.

Two new professors on the board  

Academic staff elected two new representatives to the board this year. The winning candidates are Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, professor at the Department of Political Science, and Peter Balling, professor MSO at the Department of Physics and Astronomy. They will succeed Susanne Bødker, professor at the Department of Computer Science, and Søren Pold, associate professor at the School of Communication and Culture. 

Susanne Bødker couldn’t run again because she had already served the maximum of two terms on the board. Søren Pold had served on the board since the fall of 2015 and ran for re-election this year.

The university’s technical and administrative also elected a new board representative this year: Buildings Manager Uffe Pilegård Larsen, who the only name on the ballot.  

In addition to representatives on the university board, elections were also held for representatives on the four academic councils, the PhD committees and the boards of studies. There were a total of 16 contested elections, 69 uncontested elections and 20 cancelled elections.


Voter participation rate, university elections at Aarhus University from 2007-2019. Graphics: Astrid Reitzel

Translated by Lenore Messick