Gender equity, diversity and inclusion are the foundation of an inclusive workplace. These are values that are more important than ever to uphold and…
Louise Møller Haase from Aalborg University is the new vice-dean for education at Faculty of Technical Sciences. She takes over from Finn Borchsenius,…
Medical student Jacob Simonsen is now also the fastest Dane in history to run a half marathon. On Sunday, he ran a half marathon in Barcelona in one…
On Friday evening, 400 people gathered at AU to witness a dialogue between Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and UN Special Rapporteur on the…
The completion rates of the many degree programmes at Aarhus University vary greatly. Psychology, Medicine, Odontology, Dental Hygiene, and Media…
All faculties at Aarhus University have managed to reduce the dropout rate among first-year students, according to an overview of dropout rates by…
A modern university is more than just research and education. Knowledge exchange with the surrounding society plays an increasingly important role –…
Within the past two years, the University of Southern Denmark and Roskilde University have admitted significantly more students from Bangladesh,…
Nine researchers from Aarhus University are among the 50 most cited expert sources in the media in 2024. For the third consecutive year, Professor…
The number of Bangladeshi applicants to international Master’s degree programmes at Aarhus University has exploded. Processing the many applications…
Applications to Aarhus University from students in Bangladesh have doubled in a year, making them the largest group of international students at AU.…
At the turn of the year, the three-year fund that a unanimous Danish Parliament granted in 2021 to strengthen university language programmes, which…
A gas cylinder with dangerous contents from Biological and Chemical Engineering was reported missing to the police in December, but it turns out it…
The Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at AU has lost a gas cylinder filled with toxic contents and reported it to the police. The…
The government and the coalition parties behind the Master's reform have reached an addendum that eases the financial framework and opens up for more…
To the sounds of Smash Mouth's 'All Star' hit, swamp water and magic dust shots were served over the counter at Kasernebaren – in collaboration with…
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