The disinfection system that caused skin and eye irritation among students hasn’t been in use since the COVID pandemic, and there’s no indication it…
Students at Global Studies are frustrated with Arts management’s plans to shut down their Bachelor’s degree programmes and feel excluded from…
As a 15-year veteran of the U.S. academic system, having gone through the full trajectory from assistant to associate to full professor at Purdue…
Almost all degree programmes at the Faculty of Natural Sciences will have fewer students as a result of enrolment caps, but the faculty will also open…
To fulfil its sector resizing obligations, Arts has proposed closing six language and area studies degree programmes and combining them into a new…
Students have criticised the exam procedure in the final semester of their dentistry degree after the failure rate surged. Students who failed missed…
Minister for Higher Education and Science Christina Egelund attended Aarhus University's annual celebration on Friday, and Chair of the Board Birgitte…
It’s easy to lose track of the many communities available at AU. There are countless Friday bars, student associations, and other activities. A new…
Generative AI (GAI) tools are here to stay, according to AU. Therefore, you’re allowed to use GAI in your exams, unless the academic regulations or…
Now we know how enrolment caps will be distributed across the faculties, but there are still many unanswered questions regarding how sector resizing…
AU has adopted seven principles for using generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to help staff and managers use these tools responsibly. The…
After the chaos last year, when Johnson’s concert was cut short after just a few songs, the Student Council has decided to reduce the number of…
The sector resizing will affect the five faculties at AU very differently. Arts has to reduce its number of student places by nearly 18 per cent,…
Like all universities in Denmark, Aarhus University will have to educate fewer young people from 2025. This is a result of the political agreement…
Compass Group has won the tender to run canteens at Nobel Park, the Aarhus School of Dentistry, Aarhus BSS in the University Park, and Stakladen/the…
The academic publishing house Taylor & Francis has sold access to its research articles to tech companies for AI development. Researchers who have…
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