Omnibus prik

13 December: We are celebrating Christmas at our own house for the first time

Daniela Trifiletti is UIC-coordinator and from Colombia. She normally spend Christmas in either Colombia or Bornholm, but this time it’s her turn to host.

[Translate to English:] Grafik: Astrid Reitzel

The Omnibus Advent Calendar:

The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.

Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.

All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries,  and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.

How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?

We are celebrating this Christmas at our house close to Aarhus for the first time. It’s our first owned property, and we have invited our families to join us for this special time. We normally spend this celebration in either Colombia or Bornholm, but this time it’s our turn to host. Although the menu will be a very Danish one, made by my in-laws, our evening will be filled with traditions from Colombia, Sweden and Denmark.

What is the best / worst Christmas tradition from your home country?

The Christmas music and the festive atmosphere is without a doubt the highlight of this celebration. It differs greatly from the Danish one, as it is normally seen as a party and not a quiet evening where dinner is the main event. The Colombian Christmas is characterized by lots of singing, music and even dancing, and if the family has children, they will be the center of the night.

What do you think is the most annoying thing about Danish Christmas?

When I moved to Denmark, the thought of being so far north and with such special winters made me certain that there would be a ‘white Christmas’ every year. Unfortunately, that has rarely happened, if at all, in the past years.  

Feliz navidad!

The Omnibus Advent Calendar:

The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.

Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.

All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries,  and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.