2 December: BBQ, summer fruit, swimming and summertime
Michelle Williams is from New Zealand. She is head of Department at the Department of Food Science.

The Omnibus Advent Calendar:
The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.
Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.
All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries, and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.
How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?
I will be together with my friends and family in Auckland, New Zealand; it will be summertime.
In New Zealand, we will be celebrating the longest day, and so we will be joining friends and having BBQ and eating lots of fresh summer fruit, swimming and walking and enjoying the warmth and light days. Can’t wait …
What is the best / worst Christmas tradition from your home country?
Naturally, because of the seasonal difference, Christmas does not ‘feel’ the same in New Zealand and Denmark.
The worst traditions are some of the original British traditions. People continue to cut down and have Christmas trees in their houses. However, the trees die very quickly, drop their needles and the decorations fall off, so it is really quite a pointless activity! Also having Christmas decorations with snow and lights in the shops seems quite meaningless when the day length is long and people are walking around in shorts etc.
The best tradition is that many people head off on their summer holidays right after Christmas and so, they can really enjoy the time between Christmas and New Year as they can be outside, often camping and at the beach, and have a lovely time with their families during the holiday season.
What do you think is most annoying about Danish Christmas?
The darkness…
- Merry Christmas!
The Omnibus Advent Calendar:
The Advent calendar is a treasured Danish Christmas tradition. In many families, kids get to open a small gift each day all December until Christmas Eve, when Christmas is celebrated.
Our small holiday gift to you is a chance to meet one of AU’s many international students and employees every day until Christmas.
All 24 will share where they’re spending Christmas this year, their favorite (and least favorite) Christmas traditions from their home countries, and what’s most annoying – or surprising – about Christmas in Denmark.