Campus guide: Sleazy pubs, student-run kitchens and instant coffee
Some of AU's students live their student life in Emdrup outside Copenhagen. An Emdrup student gives you the best tips for surviving in the suburbs – and for trips to the big city.

Sidsel Ejrnaes, Education Science, fifth semester
Finding some cheap lunch and coffee in the vicinity:
"You can actually do a lot by taking your own food with you and keeping it in the fridge in the student-run kitchen. Otherwise, the cafeteria (the only one) is actually pretty good. The Media High School’s cafeteria across the road is really good, but also a bit expensive."
Where to find out about events on campus?
"As a member of DSR [the student association, ed.], I’d say you can find out a lot by following the DSR Facebook page. Otherwise keep your eyes and ears open and keep an eye on the notice boards around campus. Listen to what the lecturers say about events and the like, as they really know what’s happening with the academic events. You can also follow our Friday bar Bar Bund on Facebook. As a new student it’s also a good idea to talk to your student advisers."
Here you can get cheap drinks – both on and off campus:
"It’s really cheap at the Bar Bund student bar. Otherwise, there are some slightly sleazy pubs around town, where you can celebrate passing your exams. If you’re not into sleazy, you can always jump on a S-train into central Copenhagen – but personally I'm a big fan of sleazy."
Where are the best places for in-depth study and swotting for exams?
"We’re lucky to have a lot of really good reading rooms. They’re all close to the student-run kitchen, so you can easily make a cup of instant coffee to help your studying. Otherwise, the central library in Copenhagen is also really good, though you’ll have to go into the city."
Don't miss out on:
"You mustn’t miss the debates arranged by the Danish School of Education. There is a presentation with a debate afterwards, organised by one of the research assistants. It normally attracts both Bachelor students, Master’s degree students and outside people. Normally you have really interesting people and researchers from the university giving the presentation. It normally takes place on Friday afternoon over a six week period."
Your life as a student is not complete without:
“A study group. With so few actual lessons as you now have, and as we’re the only Bachelor’s degree programme out there, you can feel a bit lonely out at Emdrup Campus if you don't have anyone to meet with outside of the lectures."
When student life gets tough, you can find help here:
"At the student counselling and from your student advisers You can always go and talk to your friendly advisers."
One final piece of good advice:
"Get involved! Be ready to help where there’s a need for it and get involved in the projects that turn up. And enjoy it for as long as it lasts! Make use of the green areas in and around the campus. There’s a small lake, Emdrup Lake, just across the road that you can walk around when you need to get some fresh air into your brain.