Omnibus prik

Interested parties can participate in AU's board meetings

[Translate to English:] Formanden for AUs bestyrelse skal være hentet uden for de gule mure. Den siddende hedder Michael Christiansen. Han er også formand for DRs bestyrelse. Foto: Lars Kruse

All interested parties can participate in the AU board meetings as they are open to the public.

At the most recent meeting shortly before the summer holidays the board decided that the agenda, which is sent out prior to the meeting, should now state when the discussion of individual items on the agenda would begin during a meeting.

The proposer argued that this would make it easier for interested parties to follow the items on the agenda in which they were particularly interested.

You can find meeting schedules, agendas and minutes by clicking on the blue bar with the title "Strategy and management" on the front page of


Five internal and six external members

AU’s board is the supreme authority at AU. The board consists of a total of 11 members. Five of the members are elected internally at the university. Two members represent the academic staff, one member represents the technical-administrative staff, and two represent the students. The chair and the other five members are external members who work in the private sector or elsewhere.

Translated by Peter Lambourne