Mette, would you choose a one-year Master's thesis?

I have already considered whether I could use the internship in my Master's thesis. Some people do.

[Translate to English:] Foto: Maria Randima

The internship already involves writing an academic assignment at the end and that will come to overlap preparing my Master's thesis and signing the thesis contract in December.

So it would be obvious to combine the Master’s thesis with a collaboration with a company and to extend the process to a year. 

It would also be great to have more time for in-depth specialisation.

I can easily see the idea of a set-up with a Master’s degree that has one year of lectures and a one-year Master's thesis. I think that would make sense, because the Master’s thesis is really important. It is not just an exam assignment, it’s something that is published in a research community. 

I wouldn’t be sorry to sacrifice the possibility of choosing a profile course in the third semester for the benefit of a one-year Master's thesis. Especially as none of the courses look like they’re relevant for me.

That’s why I also hope to sort out an internship because otherwise I’ll be forced to take a profile course after the summer holidays.

Mette Esager, second semester Master’s degree student in digital design and information studies. Has planned her internship for the third semester and expects to sign her thesis contract in December.

Translated by Peter Lambourne.