This month marks the tenth anniversary of the first issue of Omnibus. We are celebrating the occasion by giving the newspaper a new look. Here's a…
Arts will need to save DKK 60 million before 2026. DKK 48 million of that will need to be cut from the payroll budget. The faculty is also looking at…
Aarhus University ended 2022 with a deficit of DKK 292 million according to the annual report recently approved by the board. Losses in the financial…
Aarhus BSS must reduce costs by DKK 40 million by 2026 as a result of decreasing student intake. Two departments will be hit particularly hard and…
PhD students from China can no longer get a place at Aarhus University if they are supported by the state-funded Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC).…
The Faculty of Natural Sciences has to make major budget cuts. To balance its budget, the faculty has to cut DKK 37 million annually, and the dean…
When you relax onto your picnic mat and open a beer at this year’s Regatta, spare a thought for the two students behind the event, Lasse Juul…
Almost one in five employees at Administrative Centre Arts has been subjected to offensive behaviour, according to the 2022 psychological workplace…
The Agency for Culture and Palaces has decided in favor of listing the University Park and Vennelystparken as works of landscape architecture along…
ChatGPT dishes up the titles of seminal articles by well-known researchers in prestigious journals at the drop of a hat. There’s just one hitch:…
For over a year, lecturers at AU have been able to access data about students’ activity on Brightspace – unbeknownst to the students themselves. A…
After 26 years at Aarhus University, Peter Bakker, associate professor of linguistics, offers a complete and first-hand guide to becoming a permanent…
After a test period of the Brightspace learning platform in 2021, AU forgot to remove a plugin that placed Google Analytics cookies in the students’…
Aarhus University has stopped admitting PhD students from China whose place at AU is financed by the government-funded Chinese Scholarship Council.…
The artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT has caused a stir in educational settings all over the world, and, in January, AU reacted quickly by…
The #AUforsker (AU researcher) Twitter account, which gave AU researchers a platform for communicating with followers from all walks of life, shut…
Nine researchers from Aarhus University are on the top-50 list of most-cited experts in Danish media in 2022. Experts on war and foreign policy are…
Jonathan Madsen and Sofie Jensen are two of the volunteers at Studenterlinjen (the student telephone helpline) who offer free, anonymous advice to…
Good feedback is not the responsibility of lecturers alone. That was the main message of a lecture and workshop on feedback held by professor David…
On 1 February, Kristian Thorn will take up the position of university director at AU. He has a long history at the university, which started in the…
Since the ChatGPT was introduced in November, it has astonished the world with its artificial intelligence. Among many other feats, it can write…
AU’s new board chair Birgitte Nauntofte took her seat at the head of the table just as the university posted a preliminary budget shortfall of several…
For the first time since 2019, the university chaplains can invite students to a Christmas Eve celebration with no public-health restrictions. All…
Last week, eight employees at the Danish School of Education were told by management that they were under consideration for redundancy. Another eight…
Aarhus University is launching a new campaign to help prevent exam cheating. In 2021, there were 207 cases of exam cheating at AU, while there have…
Twitter is popular among researchers, but with Elon Musk’s takeover, many are now asking whether they should stay or migrate from the social media…
Russian Studies at AU looks very different today than it did eight months ago, when Russia invaded Ukraine. There is more solidarity, the syllabus has…
Although faculties are busy dealing with inflation, the energy crisis and declining numbers of school leavers – and political initiatives – this must…
Arts has to save money, so the elective course in Old Norse won’t be offered next year. According to Karen Bek-Pedersen, who teaches the course, this…
Public-sector institutions have been directed to turn down the heat to 19° C from 1 October this year. This was announced at a press conference on…
If you’ve come to study at AU from abroad, in addition to getting used to the climate, the food and biking up and down all those hills, you also need…
Price increases and worsening economic conditions will result in significant financial losses for the university in 2022, AU recently announced. To…
Birgitte Nauntofte worked at the University of Copenhagen for 27 years, both as a researcher and in management. And for 12 years, she was the director…
Magdalena Mittermüller, an exchange student from Vienna, Austria learned much more than the curriculum during her year in Aarhus. She encountered a…
The Friday bar at the history department is not a place to start your night out; it reportedly only gets going later in the evening. But the bar staff…
While Aarhus University is working to establish a new campus in Foulum, just outside Viborg, Midttrafik has re-routed and discontinued bus services in…
Making ends meet on a student budget can be challenging under the best of circumstances. And inflation is making it even tougher. To get the most out…
Kalkulerbar is not an intimately located Friday bar with loud voices and a dance floor, but rather a quiet bar in a corridor with large windows. The…
Oleg Yarosh is exempt from military service on medical grounds and was therefore able to leave Ukraine with his family. His wife has been awarded a…
It’s more or less a coincidence that Anastasiia Sydorenko, who has a PhD in psychology and medical sciences, ended up in Denmark on a Ukraine…
MDPhD student Omeed Neghabat is working to improve treatment of cardiac patients by looking inside their hearts – literally. He presented his…
Despite the sterile environment, a penchant for Minttu might be enough to kick start a party. But not every Friday. Nano Bar is an emotionally cold…
The two AU researchers Janice Wang and Ali Amidi have just won the Danish national wine-tasting championship and are on their way to the world…
The University Act should be revised, there should be more basic funding for research, and freedom of research should be examined by a commission.…
Hiring a stripper may seem like harmless fun. But it is part of a constellation of behaviours that contribute to ‘bro culture’, a set of norms that…
The party atmosphere in Katrines Kælder is unavoidable. This Friday bar is known for its engineering-themed wall decorations, large selection of…
The senior management team urges the faculties not to schedule classes on the day of the Regatta. The faculties will avoid doing so as far as…
Since the #pleasedontstealmywork campaign was launched in February this year, neither AU union representatives nor chairs of the AU Research Practice…
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