The selection and service at the canteens in the Nobel Park and at the School of Dentistry and the Social Sciences canteen at Aarhus BSS will be…
Simon Kærslund Terp’s positions as deputy judge in Aalborg and senior consultant on the SKAT inquiry commission meant he was well on his way to…
There seem to be several parallels between research and playing handball when you talk to the future Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences,…
Following a deficit of DKK 292 million in 2022, Aarhus University has recovered its financial health and came out of 2023 with a surplus of DKK 262…
PhD student Emaan Ghias has many times packed her bags and moved to a new country to pursue her academic ambitions. She was born in Pakistan, grew up…
Thirty-seven per cent of female PhD students have been exposed to gender-related offensive behaviour at Danish universities, according to a new…
At the beginning of March, 345 researchers – including editors, reviewers, contributors and readers – ended their collaboration with the journal…
Aarhus University has received more than 19,000 quota 2 applications. And 12 per cent more applicants than last year have listed an AU degree…
We must do everything we can to prevent adversary states gaining access to the research and advice on which the Danish government and parliament base…
PhD student Eva Kjærgaard won over both the jury and the audience with her engaging and articulate presentation about her research into plastic air…
Three AU researchers find the latest campaign by PET on “research security” quite troubling, and are also disappointed in seeing that it has received…
Peter Dalsgaard conducts research into people’s use of technology in creative processes. A field that for many years has remained somewhat niche. Now…
The number of students at Aarhus University who need special educational support (SPS) continues to increase, year after year. Most of the students…
Background checks on new staff members from selected countries in certain fields and more control over who can access what are some of the measures AU…
The threat of espionage from adversary states is high and persistent, according to the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, who has recently…
Over 600 AU students couldn’t get the help they needed in the autumn semester because of unusually slow case processing at the agency that approves…
42-year-old PhD student Sune With Christensen has just started his research project on the ethics of war and autonomous weapons, which he has worked…
Camilla Lønborg Nielsen started her BSc in nanoscience at AU when she was just 17. Just eight disciplined years later, she had her PhD. But now she’s…
Aarhus University doesn’t currently have a contingency plan for conducting exams when normal operations are disrupted – by unusually bad weather, for…
Was the Viking Age in reality as portrayed in 'Vikings'? How did Denmark end up ceding Sweden and Norway? Has there been nothing but progress since…
A now former employee of the Aarhus School of Dentistry at Aarhus University has been convicted of corpse desecration and given a seven-day suspended…
Both Queen Margrethe and Crown Prince Frederik have studied at Aarhus University. Queen Margrethe lived in the park dormitories while studying at the…
Det Særlige Bygningssyn has proposed to list a number of Aarhus University buildings and a large part of the University Park for preservation again.…
939 researchers and members of academic staff from the Nordic countries have declared their solidarity with the Palestinian people in a declaration of…
The three current staff representatives on the Aarhus University Board all wanted to serve another four years in the post. But only Peter Balling and…
A new energy community at AU wants to install solar panels on the roofs of three buildings. Students, staff and residents of Aarhus can get a share of…
We need a safe space to talk about diversity in the curriculum, says the Arts Council, who have helped put the topic on the agenda at the faculty.…
As part of AU’s action plan on gender equality, diversity and inclusion, Arts is keen to discuss incorporating more diversity into the curriculum.…
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