Can it really be true that Aarhus University had to lay off staff because the stock markets fell? No, because the university’s financial reserves…
In July, Winnie Soon received a major international award for her three-part work Unerasable Characters Series, which explores the politics of…
Since it was launched last October, AU’s carpooling club – which enables staff and students to share lifts to and from work – has been used for around…
Associate professor Jacob Hesselvig Fredsøe did not only run the DHL Relay Run. Because he's a data scientist, he couldn't resist downloading the…
Where do you find the best coffee, the cheapest beers and the coolest study spaces? Here are three seasoned students' tips for navigating student life…
Where do you find the best coffee, the cheapest beers, and the coolest study spaces? Here are some tips from two seasoned students to help you feel at…
AU increased the number of student places available in this year’s round of admissions, and has seen an increase in applications to programmes taught…
Hasse Hansen has a Master’s degree in astronomy from Aarhus University and was part of the team behind AU’s first student satellite, Delphini-1.…
Sophus Helle – Assyriologist, translator and cultural historian – is one of the four early-career researchers from AU who has received an…
With the recent reform agreement, what started out as a radical and drastic intervention in the university sector has ended up being a more realistic…
Professor Michael Bang has put together the team that will lead the new and updated study of democracy and power in Denmark. The project will run for…
Two degree programmes will be paused at the Danish School of Education (DPU), which will also merge the two smallest departments with other…
Until recently, Aarhus University’s new campus, University City, was a hospital. This means that some staff and students have had to say goodbye to…
AU’s space adventure now involves several satellites, almost 50 students, and quite a few sleepless nights. The objective of the space programme is to…
Professor Michael Bang Pedersen from Aarhus University has been selected to head a major research project on power and democracy in Denmark. He…
The local newspaper Aarhus Stiftstidende, in collaboration with the Tivoli Friheden amusement park, will soon announce the winners of the 17th annual…
On 1 June, Ida Cecilie Jensen, who is a PhD student at the Department of Ecoscience, won the international final of this year’s research communication…
Incoming Arts dean Maja Horst will start her new job on 1 June. And although the Faculty of Arts has been battered by political reforms and cutbacks…
For now, AU is taking a hard line on the use of new artificial intelligence chatbots, and it will continue to do so throughout the summer exam season.…
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the first issue of Omnibus. We are celebrating the occasion by giving the newspaper a new look. Here's a…
Arts will need to save DKK 60 million before 2026. DKK 48 million of that will need to be cut from the payroll budget. The faculty is also looking at…
Aarhus University ended 2022 with a deficit of DKK 292 million according to the annual report recently approved by the board. Losses in the financial…
Aarhus BSS must reduce costs by DKK 40 million by 2026 as a result of decreasing student intake. Two departments will be hit particularly hard and…
PhD students from China can no longer get a place at Aarhus University if they are supported by the state-funded Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC).…
The Faculty of Natural Sciences has to make major budget cuts. To balance its budget, the faculty has to cut DKK 37 million annually, and the dean…
When you relax onto your picnic mat and open a beer at this year’s Regatta, spare a thought for the two students behind the event, Lasse Juul…
Almost one in five employees at Administrative Centre Arts has been subjected to offensive behaviour, according to the 2022 psychological workplace…
The Agency for Culture and Palaces has decided in favor of listing the University Park and Vennelystparken as works of landscape architecture along…
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