Although faculties are busy dealing with inflation, the energy crisis and declining numbers of school leavers – and political initiatives – this must…
Arts has to save money, so the elective course in Old Norse won’t be offered next year. According to Karen Bek-Pedersen, who teaches the course, this…
Public-sector institutions have been directed to turn down the heat to 19° C from 1 October this year. This was announced at a press conference on…
If you’ve come to study at AU from abroad, in addition to getting used to the climate, the food and biking up and down all those hills, you also need…
Price increases and worsening economic conditions will result in significant financial losses for the university in 2022, AU recently announced. To…
Birgitte Nauntofte worked at the University of Copenhagen for 27 years, both as a researcher and in management. And for 12 years, she was the director…
Magdalena Mittermüller, an exchange student from Vienna, Austria learned much more than the curriculum during her year in Aarhus. She encountered a…
The Friday bar at the history department is not a place to start your night out; it reportedly only gets going later in the evening. But the bar staff…
While Aarhus University is working to establish a new campus in Foulum, just outside Viborg, Midttrafik has re-routed and discontinued bus services in…
Making ends meet on a student budget can be challenging under the best of circumstances. And inflation is making it even tougher. To get the most out…
Kalkulerbar is not an intimately located Friday bar with loud voices and a dance floor, but rather a quiet bar in a corridor with large windows. The…
Oleg Yarosh is exempt from military service on medical grounds and was therefore able to leave Ukraine with his family. His wife has been awarded a…
It’s more or less a coincidence that Anastasiia Sydorenko, who has a PhD in psychology and medical sciences, ended up in Denmark on a Ukraine…
MDPhD student Omeed Neghabat is working to improve treatment of cardiac patients by looking inside their hearts – literally. He presented his…
Despite the sterile environment, a penchant for Minttu might be enough to kick start a party. But not every Friday. Nano Bar is an emotionally cold…
The two AU researchers Janice Wang and Ali Amidi have just won the Danish national wine-tasting championship and are on their way to the world…
The University Act should be revised, there should be more basic funding for research, and freedom of research should be examined by a commission.…
Hiring a stripper may seem like harmless fun. But it is part of a constellation of behaviours that contribute to ‘bro culture’, a set of norms that…
The party atmosphere in Katrines Kælder is unavoidable. This Friday bar is known for its engineering-themed wall decorations, large selection of…
The senior management team urges the faculties not to schedule classes on the day of the Regatta. The faculties will avoid doing so as far as…
Since the #pleasedontstealmywork campaign was launched in February this year, neither AU union representatives nor chairs of the AU Research Practice…
The beer is cold and cheap, the tables are long, and behind the bar a golden woman’s leg promises to get you drunk. All the basic ingredients of a…
Aarhus University’s new declaration on the freedom of expression is intended to support researchers and students and to establish a set of core values…
Innovation can be demanding. Especially when working outside your main field, which is the case for many researchers entering the innovation area.…
In February, Aarhus University carried out a WPA survey to evaluate staff satisfaction and well-being. Eighty-six per cent responded that they were…
AU’s current rector, Brian Bech Nielsen, will remain in his post for another five years following a unanimous decision by the appointment committee to…
SU should no longer be something the state gives to Master’s students, and half the country’s Master’s programmes should be reduced from two years to…
Joint union representative and chair of the student council are concerned about the consequences for students and staff. Head of department looks…
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