Morten Østergaard, the Danish Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, criticised the universities recently for focusing too little on…
Omnibus has asked a number of academic staff, students and technical/administrative staff to give us their personal assessment of the strengths and…
Helen Sword has identified a range of strategies that can help you become a more productive writer:
Researchers and university students are expected to communicate their knowledge in written assignments and research articles. But the writing process…
Why imitate a boring style instead of opting for something which is truly well written? Asks Helen Sword.
It has taken associate professor Annette Skovsted Hansen many years to get over a feeling of inadequacy as an academic writer. But experience – and…
Omnibus has asked a number of AU staff and students whose surname is Sommer (which means “summer” in Danish) to describe their plans for the summer…
A long way from home. Siwi Gayatri from Indonesia has come to Denmark to pursue her dream of a career in research. And she is enjoying the research…
Read more about the number of accidents at work in 2012, the number of applicants for Dean of ST, the new translation robot, new books and much more.
Are you not quite sure what concepts like h index, peer review and open access mean? Or would you like to gain a higher profile in the publication…
As a general rule, they don’t mind studying several hundred kilometres away from the University Park in Aarhus. But when the largest student event in…
Brian Bech Nielsen says that he misses his teaching, and former students describe him as a very lively teacher.
Once the university management has solved the problems encountered by many employees following the process of reorganisation at AU, everyone will be…
Michael Christiansen, the chairman of the AU board, describes the process of reorganisation at the university as a success. But he also acknowledges…
Aase Pedersen, the union representative for the technical and administrative staff at AU, has no doubt about how to change the fact that researchers,…
Per Dahl, the union representative for the academic staff at AU, thinks more decision-making powers should be delegated. Because at the moment there…
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