Aase Pedersen, the union representative for the technical and administrative staff at AU, has no doubt about how to change the fact that researchers,…
Per Dahl, the union representative for the academic staff at AU, thinks more decision-making powers should be delegated. Because at the moment there…
Middle managers should be given a mandate to make far more decisions than they do at present, says Niels Lehmann, head of the Department of Aesthetics…
Secretariat assistant Jytte Kragelund, who has worked at Aarhus University for almost 30 years, felt it was relevant for the university management to…
University Director Jørgen Jørgensen is aware that the academic staff want the university’s secretaries to be returned to individual departments. This…
The university management has decided that the Blackboard learning management system should be introduced as a pilot project at BSS from the start of…
By Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, professor of political science and author of the book “Tillid” (“Trust”)
An IT fraudster found out the log-in code and password of an academic assistant at AU via a so-called phishing mail. The fraudster then ordered trips…
That’s the start of an e-mail sent to Omnibus by Brian Bech Nielsen’s colleague Flemming Besenbacher, who was director of iNANO until 2012 and is now…
Hard-working and conscientious. That’s how Brian Bech Nielsen describes himself as a young student. But is it true? Omnibus has asked two of his…
Psychological workplace assessment 2012
Most of Dean Brian Bech Nielsen’s career has been spent in the north-west corner of the University Park in Aarhus. And when he takes another step up…
Read more about the editorial committee and the members of the committee.
You are now reading the first issue of the new official newspaper of Aarhus University: Omnibus. The name means “for everyone”, and that’s exactly…
You’ll be moving in three to five years’ time. That was what staff at several departments of Science and Technology were told when the academic…
Read more about MatchPoints Seminar. How to find your union representative. Take a test and find out if you are gender biased. Learn more about…
During the past winter the Studies Administration office has been reorganised. So does this mean that all the problems have now been solved? No, says…
Fruit farmer Stig Bjarne Sørensen takes daily pleasure in the freedom he enjoys when working under an open sky in the Årslev experimental fruit farm…
By Linda Greve, special consultant and team leader at the AU Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Co-author of the book “Forandrende…
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