Omnibus prik

What is the purpose of the new code of practice for responsible conduct of research at AU?

The purpose of AU's new code of conduct for scientific integrity and responsible conduct of research, which came into force on 25 March this year, is to lay down the formal framework which will help to promote responsible conduct of research at Aarhus University.

[Translate to English:] Foto: Jesper Rais.

In addition, the code of conduct sets out the framework for advice on responsible conduct of research, which is placed in the hands of new advisers at the faculties. It also provides the framework for handling any suspicion of breach of responsible conduct of research, which will be a task for AU’s new Committee for Responsible Conduct of Research. 

AU's code of conduct applies to research that is carried out – or has been carried out – at Aarhus University.

AU endorses the guidelines set out in the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and AU’s own code of conduct is based on this. The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is based on a number of international declarations and principles for research integrity and responsible conduct of research across fields of study.

With rules follow guidelines

Together with the new code of practice for responsible conduct of research follow guidelines that elaborate on the intentions of the code of practice.

Danish links:

Rules: »Aarhus Universitets regelsæt til sikring af videnskabelig integritet og ansvarlig forskningspraksis ved Aarhus Universitet«

Guidelines: »Ansvarlig forskningspraksis ved Aarhus Universitet«.

Official webpage: »Ansvarlig forskningspraksis på Aarhus Universitet«

Translated by Peter Lambourne.