Universities in Denmark have suspended all collaboration with Russian and Belarusian universities. Two AU researchers explain that, despite the…
Graphic designer Gudrun Frost-Søgaard and language consultant Lenore Messick have started a fundraiser at AU to support the work of the Red Cross in…
The Department of Management needs to save up to DKK 10 million, which could involve up to 15 employees losing their jobs, says head of department…
13 people have applied for the position of rector at Aarhus University, which will become vacant in August this year. The applications will soon be…
According to the number of reports to student counsellors, students at Aarhus University were subjected to a total of 27 incidents of harassment,…
All AU staff will be required to install a new security app on their mobile devices. The app makes it more difficult for hackers to access to data…
Anne-Mette Hvas, the newly appointed dean at Faculty of Health, joins the previously all-male senior team of five deans at the University. Her…
Next summer, for the first time, it will be possible to apply for a Master’s degree programme in business psychology, which Aarhus BSS has just set…
All five faculties have contributed in their own way to the management’s draft for how the university plans to honour the government’s relocation…
Having to either cut or relocate what amounts to 6 percent of the student places at AU by 2030 is painful enough. But if AU has to deliver an…
You’ve probably noticed the election posters that have popped up all over town in town and on campus. Some of these candidates want your vote for the…
Becoming a doctor wasn’t in the cards for Anne-Mette Hvas. But she ended up studying medicine nonetheless, driven by a desire to make a difference.…
Admissions to German and French programs at AU have been declining for years. And in the most recent round of admissions, they reached a new low. The…
As part of the government’s education reform to move degree programmes away from the cities, the government will close 3,900 international study…
Aarhus University has not managed to reduce stress among PhD students. Since 2013, the number of stressed PhD students has risen and in a new survey,…
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) reshuffled the government before noon on Monday, 16 August. The changes came about due to Joy Mogensen’s decision…
Nine current and three former AU students were among the athletes representing Denmark at the Olympic Games in Tokyo - over ten percent of the Danish…
Merit-based reward has long been celebrated within academia. But the belief that we have a true meritocracy may perpetuate inequalities, argue the…
The special interest organisation Bæredygtigt Landbrug (‘sustainable agriculture’) has summonsed Professor Stiig Markager from the Department of…
It’s confirmed that in total 80 positions have been affected due to the redundancies at TECH, which have affected public sector consultancy the most.…
Rector Brian Bech Nielsen acknowledges that he had a part in the unlawful decision to postpone responding to Information’s freedom of information…
168 junior researchers at Aarhus University are trying to make politicians listen to their concerns about the potential consequences of continuing to…
The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science has issued a strong rebuke of AU’s ‘highly objectionable’ actions in connection with a newspaper’s…
Connie Hedegaard, chair of the AU Board, stresses that Aarhus University has to put an end to the current spate of scandals, which in addition to the…
The Faculty of Technical Sciences is looking at big budget cuts, especially within the area of public sector consultancy. This is in part due to years…
As a consequence of coronavirus entry restrictions, ten international PhD students are unable to travel to Denmark to start their research projects at…
On April 6, AU will begin gradually opening its doors again to students and employees – with a negative coronavirus test result as an admission…
After Easter, Denmark’s institutions of higher education will begin reopening their doors to students. Students in their final year on degree…
As late as October 2020 the staff representatives asked at a Faculty Liaison Committee (FSU) meeting if there were budget cuts in the pipeline. No…
In an open letter, four union reps from the Department of Environmental Science criticise the university’s decision to effectuate deep cutbacks on…
A DKK 30 million grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science will fund the digitisation of Denmark’s natural history collections. At the…
In the herbarium at Aarhus University, plant history is guaranteed for future generations. Neatly archived in folders and glass jars, up to 750,000…
Gender equality in academia is not just about the number of males and females in the research spaces or in the laboratories. It’s also about having…
Once again, both the rector and the dean at Nat have stressed that AU researchers are free to express critique of research practices. Their latest…
The chairman of the board for the Carlsberg Foundation Flemming Besenbacher has disqualified himself from assessing any applications from the Faculty…
On Saturday February 6, the trade unions and the state finalised the new collective agreement, which will apply to state employees for the next three…
A common rule of thumb is that students should knuckle down with their studies for 40 hours a week, on average. But what do you do, if you are an…
Threats sent to a professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Rune Hartmann, have been reported to the police by the senior…
It takes more than ten chairs and a conference table to create a good meeting – and it takes more than a Zoom password and a good internet connection…
This year AU adopted a new action plan for gender equality at the university with the main focus being to employ more female researchers. But what is…
The vast majority of natural sciences departments are struggling to employ more female researchers. And several departments are also struggling to…
New restrictions on travel to Denmark mean that right now, studying in Denmark isn’t a valid reason to enter the country. As a consequence, the…
What is it like to be an international researcher in Denmark with a limited social network during the Covid-19 pandemic? At a seminar held by the…
At the Departments of Political Science, Economics and Management, and Business Development and Technology, less than one in three associate…
University courses at the Faculty of Health attract a large number of applications from women, and as a result, more of the departments at the faculty…
DPU – Danish School of Education is one of the few schools at AU which has an equal distribution of men and women in academic positions from post-doc…
In the beginning of October, 107 researchers from Aarhus University signed an open letter stating that they had experienced sexism in the world of…
Unfortunately the university chaplains at AU and Studenterhus Aarhus won’t be able to hold this year’s Christmas party after all due to new covid19…
689 researchers across the country’s universities have signed an open letter confirming that they have experienced or witnessed sexually offensive…
DEBATE. Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen is a psychology professor at Aarhus University. She writes about her experience of being a woman and mother in…
The last of the 6,350 mink at AU’s experimental min farm in Foulum have been put down as a consequence of the government’s decision to cull all mink…
In an op ed in Omnibus, Assistant Professor Carolina von Essen criticized what she describes as a lack of progress in improving gender equality at the…
You’ve probably noticed that something has happened at AU: Most of the corridors and cafeterias have been decorated – or simply plastered with – small…
Carolina von Essen, an assistant professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, wrote a piece on what it’s like to be a female researcher at…
Postdoc Ea Høg Utoft’s research interest is gender equality. And she can help us understand why AU has been having such a hard time achieving its goal…
300-500 metric tons of sludge. That’s how much ooze project manager Claus Førby-Danielsen expects to dredge up from the bed of the southern half of…
The government has made face masks mandatory in restaurants, bars and cafes – and this also goes for AU’s canteens.
Up to 30 students, primarily from the business administration and law programs, have contracted COVID-19 over the course of the past week.
Just eighteen months after sowing, the ‘Fuld Flor’ strip of wildflowers on Ny Munkegade had become so species-rich that it could be used for teaching…
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