The diagnosis has been made. And the senior management team is proposing strong medicine to cure the organisational maladies that an internal expert…
Persistence pays off when it comes to seeking decision-making influence – that must be the conclusion reached by the student politicians at AU after…
Centralisation and standardisation have gone too far at Aarhus University.
Summary of the problem analysis in English (link to staff.au.dk)
Administration. The expert group has had to consider whether the organisation and the administration that the management has built-up supports the…
Public sector consultancy. The expert group has asked staff members at AU's various locations around the country whether they experience specific…
Departments. The lack of time for academic management is one of the biggest problems facing the department heads," says Professor Torben M. Andersen.
The analysis panel, which consists of staff and student representatives, faces the task of prioritising the problems highlighted in the expert group’s…
Work on the new academic regulations for the Bachelor's degree programme in business administration ended in a messy process where the student members…
The unrest in Ukraine has the world's attention. In the midst of the conflict, the organisation SILBA sent some of its members to the restive country…
For the new car park in front of AIAS, aesthetics took pride of place. But the facility has cost dents, scratches and furrowed brows. After a number…
At the beginning of the assignment there was plenty of time until 30 May. But as the semester progressed. the project deadline crept closer and…
By Bo Tranberg, chairman of the mathematic/physics student council and former chairman Christian Kraglund Andersen.
With a total of 215 applications to the EU's new framework programme Horizon 2020, researchers from Aarhus University have set a record for the number…
Associate professor Martin Brynskov from the Department of Aesthetics and Communication - Participatory Information Technology is one of the more…
"We miss out on funding because we don’t adequately describe the impact that a grant giver like the EU would get out of supporting a project."
Berit Eika has spent 18 years working in the field of education and she is looking forward to working with students and teachers. On the other hand,…
She loves riding the hills around Mols on her racing bike - and Wagner puts her in a great mood.
The Chemical Cafeteria. The name might not exactly make your mouth water, but make no mistake. Omnibus' reviewers were very satisfied with the canteen…
A day with Emil Smidt Nielsen, who is not only taking a MSc in business administration but is also a member of the management of the student-run…
Junior Consult was founded 25 years ago by a group of students from the former Aarhus School of Business, which is now part of Aarhus University. One…
"Four young students wanted to live in an apartment furnished as a commune from 1974." That was what Omnibus posted in a Facebook update which in no…
Where can I find a delicious dinner? Cool clothes? The wildest concert? Or the most pleasant park? That is the kind of thing that can be difficult to…
All you need to do is to download an app.
The Aarhus University Research Foundation awards tens of millions of Danish kroner every year to research at Aarhus University.
For Danish students, getting up at the crack of dawn to land a spot on the lakeside at the Regatta is more or less a matter of course. But how matter…
In the middle of April, fourth semester political science student Signe Andersen was an election observer during the first round of presidential…
Fourth semester political science student Signe Andersen was in Macedonia as an election observer during the first round of presidential elections.…
Debate for students and employees at Aarhus University